ANCL Privacy Summary

Your privacy is important to us.

Privacy and information security have never been more important. At All Nations Church of Luxembourg (ANCL) we’re committed to protecting your privacy by only collecting and retaining information as far as necessary, safeguarding your personal data using secure technology and other appropriate measures to protect it.

Any personal data, images and sound recordings we collect from you are wholly your property. ANCL can only use your personal data where it has lawful grounds to do so. We want to be completely transparent with how we collect and use your personal data so you can make informed decisions about what you provide to us.

Types of Personal Data We Collect

We do not intentionally collect any personally identifiable information without your approval. With your permission, we may collect contact information of you and your family members through the use of forms and online registrations  you complete.

We also collect data that tells us pages you visited on our website, videos you watched on our website, and other interactions with our web properties. These data do not personally identify you in any way.

Why We Use Personal Data

We typically use personal data for the following purposes:

  • Managing membership records
  • Managing staff and volunteers
  • Keeping accounts and financial records
  • Informing you of ANCL news, events and activities (including those for children and youth)
  • Fulfilling contractual and legal obligations and duties that we have (including those we have as a registered asbl)
  • Supporting the vision and goals of ANCL

The basis on which we use Personal Data

The law provides several grounds on which ANCL can use personal data. The grounds that ANCL is most likely to rely on for using your personal data are:

  • that you have given your consent for us to use it for a specific purpose
  • that we need to comply with a legal obligation
  • that we are carrying out legitimate activities as a religious organisation

Photo, Video and Audio Recording

We often record the message of our meetings for distribution on media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, iTunes, SoundCloud, Twitter, Instagram and within our own website and mobile app. We do not intentionally try to capture your identifiable image or voice during these recordings, but if you enter into the recording once it has begun, we consider that your consent to allow us to record and use your image in that recording, for as long as we decide to keep it available on any of our web platforms. You can avoid appearing in our media by remaining behind the audio and video control centre in our meeting venues. We do not publicly distribute the part of our meeting when the children go to their classes on any media platforms. You can find further information about this in our privacy policy, which is linked below. But once again, we are never trying to capture your identifiable voice or image while we are recording our messages.

How We Protect Your Personal Data

ANCL uses third-party platforms to collect and process your personal online data. These platforms employ the latest security features to keep your data safe. We’ve provided links to each platform’s privacy policy below. When you consent to our using your personal data through the below platforms, your personal data is covered under their privacy policy, but don’t worry, as these sites are required to follow the same rules to comply with privacy laws.

Any personal data you provide to ANCL or that is obtained through our website will be used only for ANCL’s purposes. ANCL will not sell, rent, or lease your personal information to commercial entities. We will only disclose your name, address, e-mail address or phone number to anyone in ANCL when we need to, for ANCL’s legitimate purposes, and we will not disclose it outside ANCL without your consent—(unless disclosure is necessary to comply with laws or relevant legal proceedings).

We will protect your privacy when you provide information to us through online forms like, “Contact Us,” “Event Registrations,” ”Small Groups Communications,” or “Prayer Requests.” All of your communications to and from ANCL through forms on our website are protected by secure server encryption, so you can trust that any information you provide can not be intercepted by a third party. Only ANCL personnel that help route your message to the proper people will see your form. Any of your information that is stored on our servers is also protected by two-step verification (TSV). Stronger than an easily hackable password, TSV blocks unauthorised access to our servers, drastically limiting the chances that your data can be hacked and stolen.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small file that a website places on your computer or mobile device to give you a better online experience. For example, a cookie might store your user name after you enter it on a website for the first time so you don’t have to enter it every time you visit. Or it will remember what part of a message you have watched on YouTube, to help you pick up where you left off if you resume the message at a later time.

Because cookies can only store identifying information you enter, and the cookie is only stored on your computer and—not on the website’s server, your personal data is quite secure. Of course, nobody can claim that it’s absolutely safe but that’s true of any data you divulge online.

If you would rather not allow cookies on your computer, you can turn them off in your browser. Click below to learn how:

We Protect Your Children

None of ANCL’s web properties collect information from children and we do not post children’s names online or on our social media channels.

We encourage all parents to closely monitor their children’s online activities. No website can easily verify the age of its users so it’s up to parents to safeguard their children. Place computers in public rooms and set parental controls on all devices. For more tips on how to keep your childen safe online, click here.

Our E-mail Lists

Occasionally, you will receive e-mails from us. We promise to only send information that we believe is important to you. Each of our e-mails comply with CAN-SPAM laws by providing an unsubscribe link. Look for that at the bottom of each e-mail we send.

We Occasionally Advertise Online

ANCL uses Google AdWords and Facebook advertising, including remarketing, to advertise across the Internet. AdWords remarketing will display relevant ads based on pages you visited on our website by placing a cookie on your computer. This cookie does not identify you or give us access to your computer.

If you don’t want to participate in Google AdWords remarketing, you can opt out by visiting Google’s Ads Preferences Manager.

WordPress Stats (Automattic Inc.)

We want our website to serve you the best way it can. In order to gauge its effectiveness, we use “Wordpress Stats” to collect information about the use of our website. WordPress Stats collects information like how often users visit our website, pages they visit, and how long they stayed. Wordpress Stats does this by collecting cookies and usage data. This data is stored aggregately and anonymously on servers in the United States of America. ANCL and WordPress Stats does not receive any personal information about users of our website. Click here to view the WordPress Stats Privacy Policy.

Your Consent

We will ask everyone who attends ANCL for their written consent to certain ways in which we use their personal data. When people are new to ANCL they have the option of completing a welcome card which also includes personal data consent questions.

By continuing to use our website and mobile app, you agree that you consent to the online privacy and cookie policies of ANCL, which are linked below. If you do not agree to these policies, you should stop using our websites and mobile app from this moment on.

Your Rights

Unless there’s a legal exemption that applies, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

  • to withdraw your consent at any time where you’ve previously given it
  • to object to ANCL processing your personal data if this is being done on a legal basis other than consent
  • to access your personal data. You have the right to learn if your personal data is being processed by ANCL, request disclosure regarding certain aspects of the processing and obtain a copy of the personal data that is being processed
  • to verify the accuracy of your personal data and ask for it to be updated or corrected
  • to restrict the processing of their data in which case ANCL will then only continue to store it
  • to have your personal data deleted or removed under certain circumstances
  • to receive your personal data and have it transferred to another party

We are perfectly happy to answer any questions and provide any information you may need by simply talking with our leaders and staff before and after our meetings, or by corresponding with us through the post. We are also willing to supply you with a written report of the personal data that we currently store about you, and are also willing to erase any of that data that we are in control of.  Our mailing address is:

All Nations Church of Luxembourg
85 Avenue Pasteur
L-2311 Luxembourg